Here is a collection of videos I created for my various media classes while at MCAD. All of the videos were edited using Adobe Premiere.


Glitch Project

For my Media 2 class, I was assigned to create a "glitch" video by going into the source code of videos and messing with them and then compiling the results together. I decided to do a rather meta take and glitch glitch videos. The music is from a remix of the original PacMan theme, which could be argued as a "glitch" of the original music itself.


Coaching Through Life’s Glitches

For my Media 2 class final, I decided to combine glitching videos with my life coaching skills. In this video I run through an auditory example of what a coaching session could sound like while glitched videos of "satisfying imagery" play in the background. The video is meant to be calming and jarring, like most coaching session generally feel like.


Futures Artifact

For my Futures class, I had to make a prediction of what would happen in the future and then tell it from the perspective of someone living in the future and reflecting on the past. I tell a story of what happened in the United States from the perspective of a naive but good-hearted 8-year-old on what would happen to the country 50 years from now if a UBI bill passed. All video clips were taken from stock footage.


The Burning of Civilizations

Another stop motion project for my Media 2 class in which we had to create a stop motion within a stop motion video. I centered my theme around "the fall of civilizations" represented by the books about these civilizations falling over.


Hot Sauce Dance

A silly stop motion project I created for my Media 1 class at MCAD.



